Have you ever felt a failure because your dream is not achieved? Have you felt when you are isolated because you are the worst among your friends? Do you ever feel that everything that God has given you never comparable to what God has given to others?
Yes .... If you really feel the same way, be aware ... Your assumption was wrong. Be passionate people, keep yourselves from the day and the envy of all liver disease. be aware ... if you are grateful, you will feel a peace of what you get.
Never despair when you have not yet achieved the dream, never give up when you feel you are someone who is worst among your friends as less intelligent or how. indeed Allah has created every human being with all the perfection of each. thing that can make you strong is when you say to yourself ... God is not going away, Keep the spirit! Always remains a personal remembrance of God, because God will never leave you even though all the people go away to leave you.
Pray to God for what you want. Verily Allah is the best God of nature.
Qs.Al mukmin ayat 60 say that
"Berdoalah kepada-Ku niscaya akan Ku-perkenankan bagimu. Sesungguhnya orang-orang yang menyombongkan diri dari menyembah-Ku akan masuk neraka jahanam dalam keadaan hina dina"
and then believe... of the verse, when we prayer, our dreams, and everything we want yet achieved remains assured, God will still grant the prayer of every servant who is always trying to draw closer to Allah SWT.
so, my friends ... Do not ever sad ... Keep the spirit if the dream of my friends have not been reached. Try, and pray!